In Gold We Trust

All merchandise listed in our catalog is not for sale through us, except for Miner's Moss and the RP-4 Shaker Table. To purchase any other items, please contact the manufacturers directly. Please note that some items may have been discontinued.

Gold Mining Equipment, Supplies, Prospecting Tools, and Industry Information



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Camel Compact Stacking Classifier Set

Any professional prospector will tell you that proper classification of placer material is the most important single step that leads to high recovery of placer gold.

You will be amazed how easy it is to recover micro-fine gold, if it has been classified to the approximate size of the gold.

Always process the contents of each pot separately. Gold will separate much faster when the lighter materials are less than five times its mass. Specific gravity differences between gold and sand are what makes gold panning machines effective. When grains of gold, black sand and brown sand are compared, it will be noted that if the weights of the grains are equal, the size is greatly different.

Likewise, if the grains are classified so that they are uniform in size, then the weights are very different. lt is this size to weight ratio that makes classification important when using a panning machine or even when you are panning by hand.

PRICE: $39.00 Per Set + S & H

We stock the following custom screens for those who wish to purchase individual mesh sizes: 8,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 100.

Price for individual screens: $10.00 each + S & H


This pot has a 10 X 10 mesh stainless steel screen.
Any material over 10 mesh in size remains in this pot.

This pot has a 20 X 20 mesh stainless steel screen.
All material -10 to +20 remains in this pot.
This pot has a 40 X 40 mesh stainless steel screen.
All material -20 to + 40 mesh remains in this pot.
This pot has a 60 X 60 mesh stainless steel screen.
All material -40 to + 60 remains in this pot
This pot does not have a screen. It retains -60 mesh material.
All pinpoint or "flour gold" will be found here.
This system is compact and easy to use. Just put your placer material in the top (10) pot, nest the other four pots as shown below and shake vigorously to separate the five sizes. Highest efficiency is achieved if the material is dry, but wet separation is possible by shaking the set in water.
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Gold Nugget from Alaska.

Good Luck!