In Gold We Trust

All merchandise listed in our catalog is not for sale through us, except for Miner's Moss and the RP-4 Shaker Table. To purchase any other items, please contact the manufacturers directly. Please note that some items may have been discontinued.

Gold Mining Equipment, Supplies, Prospecting Tools, and Industry Information

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Gold Nugget from Alaska.

Good Luck!

Hand Operated "Crazy Rock" Crusher

The Patent Pending CrazyCrusher is not just a crusher to crush ore samples with! Although that is the original design, with minor adjustments it can also be used for the hobbyist to crush rocks to a size suitable for tumbling and polishing. It can also be used to crush CPU chips to recycle the gold. In addition to that, it works great to crush glass to a powder for smelting operations, easily and safely, as well, your black sand concentrates for further extraction of fine gold.
During the Holidays, it will wreak havoc on bags full of walnuts!

Sure, you can use the "pipe in a pipe" method, or you can use the small cast iron Pestle and Mortar method, or worse yet the hammer method and hope you don't take an eye out! Or, you can invest in a tool that you can use both at home, in the lab or out in the field! Yeah, it's that versatile! Ideal for areas that you can make mineral discoveries, but not allowed to run motorized equipment due to ecological laws or fire codes.

Price breakthrough!

Our CrazyCrusher is 100 percent steel, and it is 100 percent made in the U.S.A.! It is made by 100 percent Americans! While other crushers with motors, and although they are the same size can and does cost $1,000 and up to over $4,000 for a bench sized lab crusher! Who has that kind of money? We buy our steel locally and we are not trying to make a weeks income off one customer! We add a fair wage for labor, plus the parts and there you have it! No price gouging!

The jaws are made of 3/8 steel, and the face has horizontal welds across them to not only help grip and pull down rock pieces, it also prevents wear on the actual jaws. On the moving jaw, we added vertical "teeth" to help dig in and crack the hardest rocks! Then they are brought up to a cherry red heat and quenched.
The adjustable jaw moves from a 1/2 inch opening, to all the way closed, for that final grind to get your samples as small as you can for testing. The very bottom of the jaws is what does the "grinding" of the rock into sand sized particles and smaller, some so small it is "air borne".

Eventually, like all things, the jaws can wear away, but with our adjustable jaw, you can keep moving it in tight for a long time! The CrazyCrusher is designed to be taken apart quickly in order to add some weld to the jaw faces if you ever feel the need to.


Height: 13 1/2"
Width: (incl. Handle) 18"
Length: (w/arms and handle) 27"
Footprint: 6-1/4" x 12-1/2"
Net Weight: 34lbs.
Shipping Weight: 37lbs.
Upper Jaw Opening: 1-3/4" x 4"
Lower jaw Adjustable: 4"x 1/2" to 4" x 0"
$495.00 USD, FOB Pahrump, Nevada;
           $595.00 USD, FOB Anchorage, Alaska
           (+ shipping & handling.)

Ever wonder how many outcrops you walked past or around when out in the field? Those outcrops could hold the next "Motherlode" of ore. Without sampling and testing, you will never know!

The CrazyCrusher is portable and very affordable! While gold is the most sought after metal, there are many other valuable ores, and Silver could hold a rich vein, unless you know what to look for, you could pass it up! 

This little crusher should be in every miners tool box!

