In Gold We Trust

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Gold Mining Equipment, Supplies, Prospecting Tools, and Industry Information

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The i-CON Gold Concentrator is the newest addition to Sepro "i" or, Individual Mineral Systems line of world class enhanced gravity concentrators, for the recovery of precious metals and heavy minerals.

The i-CON will financially empower small scale and artisanal miners by capturing valuable mineral particles that are lost by the less effective concentrating techniques currently used. At the same time the i-CON will reduce the need for mercury, cyanide, and other toxic chemicals currently being utilized by these miners.

Every day around the world there is a large amount of precious metal (and therefore income) lost by artisanal and small scale miners around the world due to inappropriate, inefficient mineral processing techniques.

The i-CON Gravity Concentrator takes Sepro Mineral System's 20 years of enhanced gravity and fine mineral recovery experience from the world's largest industrial mines and puts it in the hands of small scale, artisanal and recreational miners.

Although the i-CON Gravity Concentrator utilizes state of the art technology, the i-CON is easy to use and very robust as it contains only one moving part.

The i-CON is a centrifugal gold gravity concentrator designed specifically for artisanal mining. The technology is based on the batch-type Falcon Gravity Concentrator. i-CON's equipment is backed by Sepro Mineral Systems Corp.

It uses a centrifugal field to concentrate very fine, free gold that is not recoverable using the typical, traditional techniques of small scale and artisanal miners.

In operation, material is fed as mixture of milled rock and water into a rotating bowl that includes special, fluidized grooves or riffles to capture the gold. Periodically, a rich concentrate is rinsed out that requires further upgrading to be turned into a final gold product.

Features that make the i-CON Gravity Concentrator ideal for artisanal mining applications include:

- Low machine weight: 115 kg
- Ease of Installation
- Only one moving part
- Uses readily available components in developing areas such as automobile tires
- Low acquisition and operating costs
- A proven, robust and simple mechanical/electrical platform

i-CON personal mineral recovery - how it works (PDF)

i-CON Operation Manual (PDF)

i-CON i150 Concentrator (PDF)         i-CON Spare Parts Price List

i-CON SB150 Professional Gold Recovery plant (PDF)

i150 Professional Gold Concentrator Includes
1. Patented SB150 Centrifugal Concentrator.
2. iCON VS1224 heavy duty vibrating screen with Italvibras motor.
3. Hi performance iCON SP1.5 Slurry Pump. Quickly moves screened material to the centrifugal concentrator and/or moves tails away from the plant.
4. Variable frequency drives (VFDs) and control station. Allow the end-user to easily adjust each component individually to maximize productivity.
5. Mini grizzly. Directs the 'oversize' of the screen to the sluice/nugget trap
6. Extra long sluice with dredging riffle. Used only as a nugget trap.
7. Control Station (as seen in photo): Water Manifold, Electrical Connectors.
8. Installation Kit with All Hoses and Fasteners.
9. Sluice/Negget Trap
10. Blue Bowl For Final Cleaning of Your Concentrates.

See i150 Concentrator General Arrangement          

Centrifugal Gold Concentrator i-Con & Pump

i-Con i150 Concentrator (Enlarge) 

i-Con Concentrator
Scheme (Enlarge)

i-Con Concentrator
variational use/model


i-PUMP / SP 1.0 Slurry Pump

i-PUMP (Enlarge)

i-PUMP Performance Curve (Enlarge)

i-PUMP Specifications

The i-PUMP is the most recent addition to the fleet of Sepro "i" or, Individual, line of mineral processing equipment.

Slurry pumps are used in the mineral processing industry to move pulp (solids and water) from one mineral processing operation to another.

i-Pump Features:

- The i-Pump is designed to work in conjunction with the i-CON and i-Screen or as a stand-alone slurry pump.

- The hard metal 1" discharge pump is designed to be used in the most demanding of applications for small volumes - up to 70 gal/min!
- The 2 HP, 220 v single phase motor comes with a variable frequency drive (VFD) to ensure consistent and tunable discharge flow rates.
- The i-Pump is a robust, cost effective piece of equipment that will continue to serve your concentrate or small volume pumping needs well into the future.

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Solids Capacity (Max) 2 tons/hour
Slurry Capacity (Max) 130 liters/min, 34 USGPM
Slurry Density 5% to 65% Solids
Max Particle Size 2 mm
Concentrating Surface Area cm^2 968 cm^2
G Force Range 120 to 150 Gs (50 to 55 hz)
Machine Weight 120 Kilograms
Dimensions .6m x .6m x 1.3m Tall
Electric Motor Power 2 HP, 1.5 KW
Electrical Specifications 220 Volt, 1 Phase, 50 or 60 hz
Process Water Consumption 10 to 30 liter/min, 2.6 to 8 USGPM
Process Water Pressure 5 to 15 psi
Rinse Time 60 to 90 Seconds
Capacity of Concentrate per Batch 1/2 to 1 Kilogram
VFD, Soft Start Included Yes

iCON i150 Concentrator Specifications

i-CON i350 Gold Concentrator

The iCON i350 Concentrator has been called the "Super iCON". The i350 is revolutionizing the world of alluvial mining and dredging the same way the i150 has impacted the world of hard rock mining.

This is a gravimetric concentrator that uses enhanced gravity (G's) to concentrate the 'free' heavy minerals. It is also known as a centrifugal concentrator because of the centrifugal action of the spinning bowl. The process uses only water and an electric motor to concentrate the precious heavy minerals from slurry.

At a capacity of 10-15 tons per hour solids, the i350 is commonly used for Alluvial / Placer and Dredging.

i-CON i350 Gold Concentrator - Brochure (PDF)

i-CON i350 Gold Concentrator General Arrangement (PDF)

i-CON IGR 500 Gold Recovery Plant - Brochure (PDF)

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Solids Capacity (Max) 15 tons/hour
Slurry Capacity (Max) 30m^3/hour, 132 USGPM
Slurry Density 5% to 65% Solids
Max Particle Size 2.5 mm
Concentrating Surface Area cm^2 0.23 m^2
G Force Range 100 to 150 Gs (37 to 45 hz)
Machine Weight 415 Kilograms
Dimensions 0.98 m x 0.89 m x 1.43 m Tall
Electric Motor Power 5 HP, 3.7 KW
Electrical Specifications 208 to 230 Volt, 3 Phase, 50 or 60 hz
Process Water Consumption 3 to 5 m^3/hr, 13 to 22 USGPM
Process Water Pressure 30 to 45 psi
Rinse Time 60 to 90 Seconds
Capacity of Concentrate per Batch 3 to 6 Kilograms
VFD, Soft Start Included Yes

iCON i350 Concentrator Specifications

i-Con i350 Concentrator (Enlarge

Gold Recovery Plant

IGR 100 Plant - i150 Artisanal Plant

iCON SB150 Professional
Gold Recovery Plant 

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Gold Nugget from Alaska.

Good Luck!

For prices and more information on other products please visit the manufacturer's website  and mention Larry for front of the line service.

