In Gold We Trust

All merchandise listed in our catalog is not for sale through us, except for Miner's Moss and the RP-4 Shaker Table. To purchase any other items, please contact the manufacturers directly. Please note that some items may have been discontinued.

Gold Mining Equipment, Supplies, Prospecting Tools, and Industry Information

Untitled Document

Sluice Box by GeoLaser

Untitled Document

Gold Nugget from Alaska.

Good Luck!

Main box 1/8" Steel 10' x 2' x 8" sides            
and 1" lip with bolts and nuts - $600 .
Three each,  3-pound, expanded metal riffles            
 (2 @ 4' and 1 @ 2') - $240 .
Four each hold down plates 5' x 6" - $340 .
" x 2' x 10' Klondike miner moss - $80 .
 One back plate - $60 .

Sluice Box Set:

Supporting 3" channel frame
under the box (not shown)
not included  in the set, but could be
manufactured and added separately.

Addition to Oregon Pioneer-15 & Oregon Pioneer-30,
or can be used separately with other processing equipment.

 Complete sets: Steel $1,200 , Aluminum $1,400
Cost FOB Nevada Whse

Advantages of our sluice box.

Even the new sluice boxes produced today by different manufactures for mining, use a really clumsy hold down system.

Our system uses side plates that eliminate wear on the side of the box, provides a positive secure pressure down on the full length of the riffles/expanded metal, cannot kick in at bottom or top and float away. It is very easy to set up and tear down for cleanup. It is easy to change thickness of matting and riffles without changing hold down system. There are no obstructions for lifting the riffles out of the box. It is also very easy to mount two or more boxes side by side without leaving a gap between them.

Replacement sluice box 
complete for Oregon Pioneer-30.

2 steel riffle sections,
4 steel hold down plates,
miners moss ⅝" x 23½" x 8' ,
aluminum sluice box 1/8"  thick.
Nom.size = 2' x 8' x 5".
Sale price = $1,250

2 ' x 10' sluice box 
that can be added at bottom
of Oregon Pioneer-30.

Bottom Replacement Riffle Section for Oregon Pioneer 30.
23¾" x 48" x 5" high at clip. Weight = 40 pounds. Sale price = $256 .

Replacement Top Riffle Section for Oregon Pioneer 30.
Size 23 ½" x 42" x 5" high at hold down clip. Weight = 30 pounds. Sale price = $196 .


