All merchandise listed in our catalog, except for Miner's Moss and the RP-4 Shaker Table , is not sold directly by us. For all other items, please contact the respective manufacturers directly. Kindly note that some items may no longer be available as they may have been discontinued.


In Gold We Trust

Gold Mining Equipment, Supplies, Prospecting Tools, and Industry Information

Untitled Document

- 13HP OHC w/ Electric Start Engine w/ Single Hydraulic Pump
- 15 gallon Reservoir
- 8' Discharge Conveyor
- 6' Feed Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return
- 2" Spacing on Hopper Grizzly
- 48" x 96" Trommel Drum
- 3 Flow Controls (Trommel, Feed & Discharge)
- Sealed Centric Locking Pillow Block Bearings
- 4 Stabilizing Jacks
- High Tensile Trommel Screen w/ 3/8" openings
- Hydraulic Filter
- Oscillating Sluice Box 2' x 8'
- DOT Approved Trailer Lights
- Adjustable Tongue Height
- Supply Quick Disconnect
- Clean up Water Supply Connect w/ Valve
- Tandem Axle w/ 205/75/D14 Tires
- Easy Lube Axle w/ Joined Equalizers
- Two-Week Delivery/mfr.time

The "Oregon Pioneer 30" is the next step in small production, flexible discharge, hydraulic machine on the market.  It is easily portable and was designed and manufactured for a small production or pilot processing operation, particularly for  the gold mining industry.  The sluice and discharge conveyor are independently interchangeable, allowing either or both discharges to be placed on either side of the machine. This facilitates an easy set up in only a matter of minutes with this truly portable production machine. 

If you are an independent or small scale operation, this is an ideal solution for your production needs.  If you have scaled up operations, the "Oregon Pioneer 30" is also an ideal machine for use as a pilot plant for testing prior to applying for time consuming permits and moving larger equipment onto a prospective property.  With an estimated production of up to 30 yards per hour, the "Oregon Pioneer 30" could be the answer to your mining needs!

Gold is where you find it!  We have recognized the need to build a machine, The Oregon Pioneer 30, that is compact enough to travel, tough and reliable  enough to be considered a production machine & easy to maintain!

Oregon Pioneer 30 YPH Trommel

SLUICE BOXES - Additions or Replacements for Oregon Pioneer 30,
or can be used separately with other processing equipment.

2 ' x 10' sluice box that can be added at bottom of Oregon Pioneer-30.

Main box 1/8" Steel 10' x 2" x 8" sides and 1" lip
with bolts and nuts -
$600 .
Three each, 3-pound, expanded metal riffles
(2 @ 4' and 1 @ 2') -
$240 .
Four each hold down plates 5' x 6" - $340 .
 ⅝" x 2' x 10' Klondike miner moss  - $80 .
One back plate - $60 .

Replacement sluice box complete for Oregon Pioneer-30.

Replacement Top Riffle Section for Oregon Pioneer 30.
Size 23 ½" x 42" x 5" high at hold down clip.
Weight = 30 pounds. Sale price = $196 .

Bottom Replacement riffle section for Oregon Pioneer 30.
23¾" x 48" x 5" high at clip.
Weight = 40 pounds. Sale price = $256 .


Untitled Document

Gold Nugget from Alaska.

Good Luck!

2 steel riffle sections,
4 steel hold down plates,
miners moss 5/8" x 23-1/2" x 8',
aluminum sluice box 1/8" thick.
Nom. size = 2' x 8' x 5". Sale price =  $1,250

Other, related equipment by Geolaser

Price: $ 42,450 - FOB manufacturer

Click Images to Zoom

Oregon Pioneer 30 Trommel

 Oregon Pioneer 30 Trommel

Oregon Pioneer 30 Trommel

Oregon Pioneer 30 Trommel

Oregon Pioneer 30 trommel

Oregon Pioneer 30 Trommel Assembled

Oregon Pioneer 30 trommel

Grizzly and Hopper

Hydraulic Leveling Jacks - Stabilizers

15 Gallon Reservoir

Electric Start Engine and Flow Control Valves

Conveyor Details

Oregon Pioneer 30 Trommel