In Gold We Trust

All merchandise listed in our catalog is not for sale through us, except for Miner's Moss and the RP-4 Shaker Table. To purchase any other items, please contact the manufacturers directly. Please note that some items may have been discontinued.

Gold Mining Equipment, Supplies, Prospecting Tools, and Industry Information

Untitled Document


Call Larry 1(907)345-6500 for newest price and freight to your destination

Good luck!
TV-5 - Horizontal Screening Wash Plant
TV-6 - Horizontal Screening Wash Plant
GEO-T5X - Trailer-Mounted Portable Trommel Plant
S5X - Trommel Plant with Grizzly
GEO-S7 - Skid Mounted Trommel Plant
GEO-S8 - Skid Mounted Trommel Plant
T8 - Portable Trommel Wash Plant
Pre-Grizzly Feeder
Roughing Jigs
Sluice Boxes
Powered Rotational Material Splitters
Water Separation and Drying Feeder
Lattice Feed Conveyor
Stackable Conveyors
Hoses, Clamps, Sheaves, Suction Float, etc.
Clean Up and Finishing Jigs
Gold Concentration Shaking Table
Additional information about Trommels
GEO Grizzly Belt Feeders
Oscillating Sluice Boxes
Gold Recovery Examples
Why Choose Geolaser - MS for Gold Recovery Equipment?
Custom Designed and Manufactured Trommels for Sale or Rent

Authorised Dealer
Geolaser MS Gold Recovery Equipment
Most photo images are clickable for page-size enlargement
..Additional features and information.


Trommel1. Trommel design uses a 12 sided polygon, 46 inch diameter drum, 9 feet of pre-scrub area with reinforced drive rings for Trommel drives.

• Polygon allows maximum break up of materials.
• Plant is designed to operate level or at 1 degree slope and by design, requires material flytes, which move material and ads additional mixing and breaking action.
• A side benefit of using a polygon design is that replacement parts do not have to be Rolled.

Trommel2. Trommel has replaceable wear plates in
all wear areas including Flytes.

3. Trommel uses urethane screens with tapered relief holes which we recommend.

Urethane Screens almost eliminates the plugging issues that haunt trommels.
Urethane life can be up to 10 to 15 times
that of steel.
Trommel Screens can be change in minutes instead of days.
Trommel design allows for steel (flat) punch
plates if desired.

4. Trommel drive.

We incorporate a 4-point live drive system (which eliminates the chain).
Fully hydraulic.
Full variable speed control.
Trommel Oversized gear boxes, bearings and shafts.

5. Internal spray tube with interchangeable brassspray nozzles for
final rinsingaction.




Vibratory FeederOur grizzly pan feeders and screen decks incorporate up to 6” drive shafts with oversized bearings and have adjustable throw. They are also reversible (testing shows that reversing an incline feeder in some materials applications may force a better scrubbing action), have variable speed drive system to completely fine tune the feeder or screen, are fully lined with bolt on hardened abrasion resistant wear plates, and have a water spray system that is not attached to the vibrating unit (no more broken spray bars).

GRIZZLY PAN SCREEN Bolt in wear plates for easy replacement.
Hydraulic driven.
Full variable speed control.
Independent Spray bars (not attached to vibratory unit, eliminates spray bar breakage).
Each spray bar has its own valve and interchangeable brass spray nozzles.
Can use either tapered Grizzly bars or Punch plate in screening area.
Full catwalks and stairs.
Cross conveyor to discharge oversize material


Material moves across a nugget trap prior to entering trommel.
In most cases 40 to 60% of gold is caught here.
Folds down for easy cleaning.

Nugget Trap


Utilizes Wide flange high tensile beam.

GEO Grizzly Belt Feeders

Pre-Grizzly FeeederOur standard belt feeder has a 15 yard capacity with variable speed control to accommodate 50 to 400 ton per hour feed rates. The feeders also feature radio remote control grizzly dump.

Pre-Grizzly Feeder

Grizzly Feeder

Belt feeder with radio remote control grizzly dump

Pre-Grizzly Feeder
Radio controlled hydraulic dumping feature.
Uses a remote control similar to a garage door opener.
Allows loader operator to stay in his machine.
Hydraulic Variable speed control, from 50 up to 600 ton per hour.
25 Ton capacity which provides even flow to plant.
Lets operator have time to do other tasks.
Moves Easily
Guarded to meet MSHA Requirements
Offset grizzly hinge help through material away from machine.

Pre-Grizzly Feeder

25" Grizzly Feeder25" GRIZZLY FEEDER

Capable to accept Haul Trucks or Large Scale loaders (Cat 992)









150-Ton Live Load Hopper/Vibratory Feeder

150-Ton Live Load Hopper/Vibratory Feeder

150-Ton Live Load Hopper/Vibratory Feeder

Why Choose Geolaser - MS for Gold Recovery Equipment?

100 TPH Portable Grizzly Feeder / Trommel in Final Stage TestingGold mining equipment is one of the many applications of the aggregate and mining industry we are involved with. Geolaser - MS has designed and built projects numbering in the thousands since starting operations in 1978 and can help you custom design a gold recovery plant to fit your needs, utilizing computer modeling and engineering support, along with years of in field experience.

We have taken our knowledge and technology of equipment manufacturing from our large aggregate and
Capabilitiesmining producing plants over the years and work side by side with gold recovery companies in developing some of the finest recovery units.

We have a long term relationship with a leading gold recovery company, Placer Recoveries Inc., who has over two decades of recovery experience and with over 40 recovery sites, ranging from 50 tons per hour to 1500 tons per hour. Through testing development together we have designed and fabricated many recovery systems over the years from the Yukon throughout the Rocky Mountains. From screens, crushers, sluice boxes, trommels and grizzly feeders to conveyors we work side by side in sharing technology and experience.

In the most recent years we have taken the industrial machinery knowledge from large scale operations and put it to use in Placer gold recovery applications that may interest you. See some examples to the right.

Capabilities of 12 x 80 Feet

Oscillating Sluice Boxes

Custom Designed and Manufactured Trommels for Sale or RentOur oscillating sluice boxes, feature a true circular oscillation not just back and forth motion (which in reality a back and forth motion may actually diminish gold recovery). We developed a real circular motion variable speed sluice box, similar to panning.


Custom built sluice box built to customer specifications
Hydraulic motor driven, dual balanced, reversed, eccentric, circular pattern, used sluice box for sale

Custom Designed and Manufactured Trommels for Sale or Rent

Custom Designed and Manufactured Trommels for Sale or Rent

A Few of our Gold Recovery Examples
Twin 6x20 screens with twin 6x30 sluice boxesTwin 6x20 screens with twin 6x30 sluice boxes
6x20 screen with a 6x30 sluice box6x20 screen with a 6x30 sluice box
7x20 screen with a 6x30 sluice box7x20 screen with a 6x30 sluice box
4x20 vibratory grizzly feeder4x20 vibratory grizzly feeder

Limited Liability Company. Joint Russian American Scientific-Production Company "GEOLASER".
Address: 630108, Novosibirsk, 1 Trolleynaya Street, Suite 6.
Telephone: 7 (383) 301-2555. • Cell phone: 7 (913) 911-3592.
E-mail: (in Russia); (USA, in English).
Good Luck!


